• Starbucks $50 Gift Basket

  • Bodhi Leaf $50 Gift Basket

  • $125 Amazon Gift Card

  • 2 Remo Tambourines ($58 value each)

  • 1 Remo Children’s Gathering Drum ($175 value)

  • 4 Chick-Fil-A Meal Packages


Complete the secret code

There will be a sign next to each duck with a secret letter. Write down these letters as you visit each duck. Once you’ve gathered all of the secret letters, in no particular order, fill out the form below to enter a raffle.


Take a picture

Take your best photo in front of a duck and tag @crosspointscv on your Instagram. There will be multiple winners from the photo contest so make sure to participate! Winners will be chosen and private messaged information on how to claim their prize.